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Tormater CD
INFO: Tormater CD goes best loaded on-top of Tormater 2: Electric Boogaloo, so try both out for the most TORMATER.
Have you been playing Doom and have been disappointed by the serenity of the levels? Do you need something that will scratch that Tormater itch? Try Tormater CD, a dynamic Tormaterizer for Doom that will run over any mod/game in the Doom engine. You'll be swimming in heaps and heaps of Tormater. Features:
- Dynamically Tormatered enemies with custom behavior
- Monsters and objects are now free to speak their mind in the Doom chatbox.
(PS: All they talk about is Tormater.) - Levels are now --> hooked --> into the Tormater and will undergo amazing changes.
- And much, much more. tor_GET today!